The Tripura News Advertiser Policy

The Tripura News Advertiser Policy 2024 (TNAP 2024)

This policy provides regulations and maintenance of advertisement standards for users, advertisers, and publishers in The Tripura News (


1. Short Title:  

  • This policy may be referred to as The Tripura News Advertiser Policy 2024.  
  • It shall come into force on the date of publication.  
  • An update means immediate effect.

2. Definitions:  

(a) “The Tripura News Advertiser Policy 2024”: Refers to the regulations governing advertisers on the Tripura News ( .  

(b) “Publisher”: Tripura News (  

(c) “Policy Violation” : Refers to a breach of The TNAP 2024 violation.  

(d) “Rules”: Refers to the guidelines outlined in TNAP 2024.  

(e) “Removal”: Refers to the removal of advertisers due to policy violations.  

(f) “Penalty”: Refers to fines imposed for violating the rules under TNAP 2024.


Eligibility and Rules

The "The Tripura News (" organization is very careful about user privacy. We do not share user privacy information such as IP address, location, phone number, email address, cookies, traffic source, etc.

(A) Not Eligible:  

1) Advertisers who use the aforementioned user privacy information are not eligible to show ads.  

2) Advertisers who use heavy JavaScript and rendering websites are not eligible.  

3) Advertisers who use nudity, spam ads, or fraudulent ads are not eligible.  

4) Advertisers who display more than 5 ads per page view are not eligible due to our commitment to user experience.

(B) Eligible:  

1) Video, display, shopping link, and content/article-related ads are eligible.  

2) Lightweight JavaScript ads are eligible.  

3) Ads with a minimum eCPM rate of $6 are eligible.  

4) Ads with a minimum CPC rate of $1.20 are eligible.  

5) Sponsored posts, backlink requests, and posts for popularity are eligible.  

6) Monthly campaigns are eligible, with a minimum rate of $50 per ad unit.


Offenses, Removal, and Penalties

The SubarnaVilla organization aims to maintain positive relationships with advertisers. Please follow the rules and regulations.

(a) For violations of Chapter II (A) 1), 2), 3), 4): Ads will be removed for 1 month, and a fine of $500 will be imposed.  

(b) For violations of Chapter II (B) 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6): Ads will be removed for 1 month, and a fine of $200 will be imposed.  

(c) For repeated violations: Ads will be removed for 6 months, a fine of $1000 will be imposed, and the case will be taken to civil court.


Subarna Debbarma  

Founder & CEO of "SubarnaVilla Limited"

#Update: 31 August 2024

#Next Update: 28 February 2025

For any kind of information contact us
